
Friday, December 28, 2012

At midnight


I guess I hadn't really taken the chance to tell you this, but for a time we were allowed to wear our civilian clothes to the office. It was so fun being able to dress up again in whatever I wanted to wear. I wore maxi skirts, tights, boots, black shoes with socks, dresses, etc. It was so fun!

I have to admit though that there came a point when I craved for the practicality of a uniform. And yeah, sometimes I would wear the trousers that came with my uniform when I ran out of things to wear. My imagination would fail me, and I would end up with the most predictable outfit. I have no qualms about repeating clothes, but it would indeed be more fun if I found another way of wearing this top or this skirt. Perhaps that's why I also have blogging mood swings; sometimes I'm not too proud confident to show the world what I'm wearing.

But the fact of the matter is, it's just me. Maybe the world won't even care. Maybe all I really need to care about is me.

Whew, this is quite a lengthy post. I was only supposed to write about this outfit I wore months ago for a Maroon 5 concert but the brain works in mysterious ways at 12 in the morning. So good night now, and till the next post.

top - a gift, skirt - vintage hand-me-down from aunt,
shoes - Payless Shoe Source

photos taken by Lorets